Saturday, September 22, 2012

Don't forget to Craft, folks!

I have been less than pleasant this last month. I know. Who would have guessed? :D

Seriously, though, I've been down, worn out, cranky, and generally feeling the blues, seasonal or not. I mean, school started, and for a homeschooling mom that means work started. I have novels coming out others coming back in with big, lovely rejection letters attached, I have a release coming, a preschool co-op to work into my regular school day, holidays coming, a birthday party to plan, costumes to make for Halloween, etc.

And I've been feeling the stress. Not just a leetle.

But in the midst of all that, I decided to sign up for another Ravel Trek tour. I just had way too much fun this summer to miss out on the next round. Anyway, today they assigned ships and announced a "mini-mission" and I was off. I'd been waiting for this, and here it was. Time to crochet!

I made a soap sack. Just a wee project. It took me less than half an hour.


How is it that one little selfish indulgence can off-gas all that stress? I don't understand the physics of it, but dang. I need to remember that little trick. Play. Dear heavens yes. PLAY.
Don't forget to craft folks, it might just save your life.

Ensign Neffis of the USS Noro (as of today)

1 comment:

  1. I've been crocheting like a madwoman to deal with all the stress of the last two months. It does help plus it's something I can do even on my worst fibromyalgia days. The couch, tv, and I have become great friends lately. And my yarn stash has taken over the family room...
